Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jusco --> The Mines ---> Jusco

Brandon kor kor brought us out for movie today!!!

Steven and khar Haur wasn't at home, Li Feng busy with thesis pulak so ended up only we 3 sampat go out~

Driving skills not bad, reach Jusco very fast!

But we couldn't get a good showtime :(
reached there around 3:20pm but the nearest showtimes were either at 2++pm or 3pm
following ones were all around 5++pm

See, Shalu so sad~

so the kind kor kor suggested going to The Mines ;)

Traffic jam also nevermind ler~Where to get such a nice housemate?!!!!!
*Brandon's hp sunbathing*

Yet we still bully him ...

Again and again ... XD

After bully still dare to laugh!

Brandon geram liao!!!

Hahaa nola he won't get angry with his dear housemates wan

Eh Brandon are you driving? Getting nearer to the car in front liao leh!
(Readers are advised not to try this and omg why my expression so cacat?!)

After reaching The Mines, we realised that the cinema there is also TGV -.-
I thought it's GSC?!!!! si liao lo, time slot sure same!
Ended up there were even lesser movies being aired there *sweat*

Camwhoring while waiting for Brandon to buy his game

kor kor belanja us eat ice-cream and Mc Flurry summore!!!
*dunno searching for what in bag*

kam siah Brandon! (see, Shalini took a super leng zhai pic of u leh happy or not?)

shy shy Shalu

and guess what? We went back to Jusco again to watch movie coz it was already near to 5pm lol
(The Mines TGV really only got a few shows on laa)

As we were deciding on what movie to watch (There was Star Wars at 5pm, La Lingerie which only Brandon was extremely interested in at 5:45pm, Mirror at 5:10pm), Shalini suddenly suggested on Mirror (horror movie lai de!!!)! and I don't know why me and Brandon (who freakin' pantang horror movies) agreed to it... -________-

haih Shalini must have casted a spell on us at that time lol

and oh, the counter gal at Jusco TGV so nice! She gave Brandon student price!!!!
Hahhahaa, he sure happy for whole day~
leng lui counter gal thinks u look like student leh Brandon, syok or not?

See his face also know he syok la

and he really syok until belanja us watch movie omgg!!
so we belanja him pop corn -.- (so damn cheap rite but he kept saying nevermind he's working and we're not la...bla bla bla)

Still continue to kacau him non-stop... made him fed up liao haha

Very hard to capture all 3 in a picture!
(TGV staff sure think we siao wan watch movie also keep taking pics XD)

Anyway the movie was really scary -.-
and this is the first time I see a very macho guy SQUIRM in his chair because he felt scared watching a horror movie -_-
I think it's obvious who the macho guy is? LOL (I didn't mention any names har!)
and I practically screamed throughout the whole movie (ok of course I did pause at times when I covered my eyes and missed some horribly scary scenes YAY!)
and the weirdest thing is...


I guess it's really kinda funny to see me yell my lungs out while scaring the macho guy even more and making him squirm even more in his chair haha

and we were probably the noisiest 3 in the whole cinema -.-""""

so we actually attempted to run off before the lights were turned on and everyone could see the faces of the 3 budak bising

but Brandon stopped running halfway down coz he suddenly wanted to see the ending...
and we had to grab the nearest seat and continued watching the remaining part


everyone was probably wondering why they so suei bump into these 3 sampat persons

and right after they showed the closing credits, the 3 of us ran like hell out of the theater
Brandon ran the fastest btw...

until he felt really thirsty! :D

Laughing at his own sampat act hahahahahaa

and I was still not bored of kacau-ing him ;D

so he did a super turn from one ticket lane (I don't know what to call the lane where you wait to feed your parking ticket to the machine when going out) to another lane,
making me fly to one side hahahhahahaa nola I made this up. The machine in other lane wasn't working XD

Went to pasar malam after that to buy dinner ;)

and Brandon actually drove back using the reverse gear all the way until we reached the condo guard house hahahahahahaha

Had a really fun day!

*+~a million thanks goes to Brandon~+*

We will definitely miss you after parting from each other =)


Unknown said...

Awww.. will miss u all too but anytime.. can just give me a buzz and i will for sure hang out with u all...please do keep in touch later on.

min_min said...

HAha, sure or not~mana tau by that time u dah kahwin n then malas layan us liao lo.... lolx :p

Anonymous said...

dah kahwin tak ape.. entah entah pergi sampai australia kan macam mana!!!! hehehehe...

surely i will miss u guys too.... aaawwwww