Friday, August 15, 2008

Thesis Submission Day + outing with room mate!

Finally, thesis handed in!

and this is the signing ceremony hahahaahaha ... ...

Late!!!! as usual... hahahaha

Meryl marah liao still dare to ketawa!! lol

First up would be Aggie putting down her so called "damn professional signature" *pukes* (shit I hope she doesn't see this)

Ishh... babe ni tak nak tunjuk muka >: O

and then she yelled at me to stop taking pictures and fast fast sign hahaha...

Aggie said my siggy's very big -.-"""

Next up is Meryl~

The hair-covering-half-of-the-face pose is so sexy lol

Selvi's turn!

Haha Selvi looks so serious! Macam CEO :p

Okla we were just signing the declaration thingy :D

Aggie's hand

oh I almost forgot...

our beloved group leader signing the... uh... what form was that actually?
Thank you for being a wonderful leader and motivator who brought us all together :)
*gasp* There's even light emitting from you're forehead! Our lovely angel~bwahahahaha

Hehe~we still had time left after signing all the stuff so Meryl tried to take group pictures by using the self-timer...
but... Hooi Ling came in time to be the mangsa do us the great favor! ;) Thankew so much!

Can you spot our little Meryl (tying to set the self-timer)? lol

We are serious when doing our tasks!

But we can also be a crazy bunch! (Aggie don't keh keh act cool laaaaaa)

*reluctant to hand it in*

We went through thick and thin together
and always helped each other out when any of us encountered any difficulty
We did our best to do as much as we could for each other,
working hard to complete the remaining little parts secretly~
even when we all felt exhausted after a day's work,
only to find out on the next day that "Hey you went and did that too?" =)
We encouraged each other by saying "Yes, we can do it!"
and we are confident that we CAN do whatever we want to achieve!

I thank you Aggie, Meryl, and Selvi (alphabetical order darlings)
for helping out on things that I don't understand,
for being there for me even when I sms you gals late at night or rather, very early in the morning ;)
for being more than just a team member :)

Thank you Aggie for:
always fetching me
always motivating me yet telling it out truthfully when you disagree
always offering to help out when I suddenly feel stressful (like a mad woman)
always cracking up silly jokes like the umbrella, snake, and the worst case scenario of... well, I think you'll probably kill me if I tell this out lol
You're one tough lady with a caring nature

Thank you Meryl for:
always bringing the laptop~
always being early (pardon us for always being the late kaki)
always doing the extra bits
always cheering us up with your sampat antics and being cheerful even when you needed to re-do the graphs so many times!
You're a small sized lady with strong arms (lol) and also a very strong determination in getting things done

Thank you Selvi for:
always willingly help to search and ask others on things that I don't understand
always sacrificing your society stuff for us
always telling random jokes at the least expected times
always digging for useful books and resources in the library (I am so lazy omg)
You're one dedicated lady that can endure all obstacles and do the very best



Went to Mid Valley with room mate after thesis submission~:D
My dear dear Shalini, thank you for all the help given today! You know what I mean *winks*

Headed for Pizza Hut straight after we stepped off from the ktm
So damn hungryy!!!!!

Here's the lovely Shalu~

and me giving her a forceful smile

me taking a picture of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of... errr... where was I?

Greedy pig stabbing at her pizza

Look at the cheese! *squeals gleefully*

Oh, hey miss you tak pernah tengok cheese ah?

The fake us ..

True nature revealed!

and ... and ... and ... oohh ...

I found ...



Where's the handsome Christian Bale??!!!! :(

*sigh* Aunty don't scare off those small kids that wanna play with it laaa

Okay, I'm really sleepy after a whole day out ...

and I can't feel my feet at all x_x

Good night~!!!


Anonymous said...

Yea, you are right, babe.. We really worked our arse up on the thesis. And it's the teamwork and encouragements from one another that help us to get through this hurdle.

The time spent on the thesis had taught us many things in life. We realize the importance of being a team. Something that not much people could actually understand the real meaning to it.

Thanks for everything, babe. You are a great friend and a great team mate.

p/s: Tough lady with a caring nature? lol..

min_min said...

I'm proud of our team babe ;)

Hahahaha~the caption suits you lehhhh lol